Waterfox Portable is a 64-bit Open Source 64-Bit Mozilla Firefox version for Windows and Linux. These include comments regarding listing errors, religion, politics, or any other topic that is of concern to us.

When spam posts are flagged, we are emailed and asked to respond as soon as possible. This will result in significant performance improvements. I will be switching from Visual Studio 2015 to the Clang build system. Waterfox will remain at 56 until the security updates of 59 ESR are complete.Īfter you restart the browser after an automatic update, you’ll be prompted to import your data. Although it isn’t a fancy or complex browser, it will import all your Firefox settings and integrate them, making it easy to use. The source code for Firefox was taken and compiled to work on 64-Bit Windows computers. This will be useful for users who wish to use older add-ons and legacy systems that have not been updated to v68. You can use any extensions (including Classic Firefox Addons!) Mozilla and the Waterfox projects receive no data, telemetry, or other information. It allows you to make the most important decisions. This browser is designed for power users.

Please request a standard Firefox user agent to be installed for websites that aren’t functioning. Some websites require a standard Firefox user agent. You can update your profile.ini to continue using the location you have chosen as Firefox’s default. A “new” browser will soon be released to keep up with the constantly changing browser landscape.